Friday, March 6, 2020

Online Ratio and Proportion Tutors

Online Ratio and Proportion Tutors Ratio: It is a comparison between two different things. Example: 23 or 2:3 Proportion:It is used to compare two ratios (equivalent fractions). a: b :: c: d Cross product is a x d = b x c Here a d are extremes and b c are means. NOTE: A ratio is just a number with no units. For instance, the ratio of $6 to $2 is just 3, not $3. Ratios like 6 to 1 can be considered as 6. Ratios can be determined between the quantities of same units. For example, the ratio of $6 to 2 miles cant be determined Continued proportion is defined as the equality of three or more proportions. 1) Suppose p is the number of women and a is the number of men in a class. (a) Find the women to men ratio? Answer: p : a (or) p/a (or) p to a (b) Find men to women ratio? Answer: a : p (or) a/p (or) a to p 2) A and P together have $ 120. If 6 of As amount is equal to 3 of Ps amount, how much amount does P have? (a) $ 40 (b) $ 120 (c) $ 80 (d) $ 60 Answer: c Explanation: 6A = 3P A:P = 1:2

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